Blogging has become one of the means of earning money without sweating it. However, there is a secret to making it with blogs. Write for the purpose of informing people and making them access knowledge that you are willing to share as opposed to writing for cash. The money will come alter if you focus on doing what you love after you have chosen a niche that suits you perfectly. Blogging how to make money from blogging in ghana in the recent past been something that most people have ventured into after a few successful stores were told about people making money from it. While the motivation may be the same, doing it right is what makes the difference between a person that succeeds at it and one that does not. The following mxke some of the things you need to know about starting a blog. There are simple things you need to do for you to have a blog up and running. Bloogging include:. While there may be a lot of hype on how to start a blog, the crucial aim of this article is to help you d...