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How are people making so muh money

how are people making so muh money

Check it. There are plenty of other ways to make more money — but these three are my favorite. If you were on a team that sold 50, widgets, figure out what you did to help make that happen and quantify it. During this time, ask your boss if you can schedule a time to sit down and discuss ways you can excel at work. Make it clear you want to exceed expectations and ask what that would entail. This is a tried-and-true system my students have used to earn thousands in immediate salary gains.

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We went to Sedona, AZ, which is famous for red rocks canyons. We saw ads for helicopter rides in tourist brochures. As we walked down the canyons, we heard helicopters and other small planes buzzing overhead all day long. Enough number of others must have more money than we do. Prior to arriving at Sedona, we looked for hotels. Big mistake. The walls are so thin at this hotel that we could hear people in the next room talking. It was about four or five brides selecting their wedding dresses at a store. When we heard the number, we looked at each other. Wow, they must have more money than we do.

Summary of main points

When we flew in, I saw people whipping out their iPads on the plane. I offered to buy one for my wife with the hope of using it myself sometimes, but she declined saying it was too expensive. We know Apple sold millions of iPads. Back home, I heard a guy calling the Clark Howard show on the radio asking about insuring an engagement ring. He really has more money than we do. I thought we make good income. Why do so many others still seem to have more money? I thought about this for some time and I came to a handful of hypotheses. Tell me which one is right. We only observed where others spent more than we do but they are not the same people each time. We just choose to spend on different things.


I want you guys to visualize a world where there is no media schadenfreude. Imagine never reading stories debasing others out of delight in order to make the writer and you feel better about yourself. My how nice the world would be! The reason why there are so many negative articles out there is simply because there are a lot more people making a lot more money and doing much greater things than one realizes. Of course not and therefore it helps makes them feel better about their wages. I call it the Stealth Wealth Movement.

how are people making so muh money

The 3 best ways to make more money

Hard, cold, beautiful bendy stacks of cash. I know there are a lot of people that say money is evil and your nostrils will catch on fire if you want anything other than world peace, but usually—and pardon me for saying this so abruptly—they’re usually not very good at making it. Do you know how much money that is? There is no shortage of money like there might be a shortage of water. The money is out there. It exists. You simply have to get people to give you a few little pieces of paper. Fifteen years ago I was a small town girl growing up in a trailer park in rural Pennsylvania when I lost both of my parents and became an orphan. Eleven years ago I quit my shiny middle-class job in advertising to strike it out as a freelance writer—and landed myself sleeping in my car in a Kmart parking lot. Nine years ago I doubled my earnings. Eight years ago, I continued doubling my income—and then some. Offers are the lifeblood of any business. You want to make more money?

The best available study found that each doubling of your income correlated with a life satisfaction 0. Anyway, parents should explain their sons and daughters that lots of money cannot buy love and happiness. Newer studies with larger samples have generally found that lottery winners seem a little better off — at least after their family and friends stop asking them for money. It can also help them make money from home. But it becomes «the root of all evil» when it makes people take bribes, betray their partners or commit crimes. The most famous [unresolved puzzle] is the Easterlin paradox that in spite of the positive effect of income on life evaluation and on happiness, there appears to have been little effect of economic growth. They often become «slaves of property». This is what every economist, philosopher and psychologist who works on this topic expects to see. This means the effect of gaining extra money on your happiness is weaker than the above correlations suggest. Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Are richer people more satisfied with their lives? Thanks to the Internet, e-learning industry which is estimated to be worth billions of dollars has developed. But you are still not going to get any valuses close to per velvet.


They are convinced that money can make them powerful and independent. This includes acts of charity, as well as other ways of helping people such as buying gifts for friends and family. Not all studies find that money stops having muhh impact. They believe that money can make them powerful peopl independent. For the sake of simplicity we will assume that on average across their adult lives people are in a household with an adult couple and half a child. Last updated: March But the real problem is that the study had a tiny sample: there were only 22 winners. Date Posted: 17 May, am. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The correlations above suggest that it will be about 25 times more valuable. But peeople can also be inherited through family.

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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Spirit View Profile View Posts. I’ve been seeing guides and forums with people saying they make like anywhere between 10kk each caravan trip while I’m making at most maybe 5k selling velvet.

I even saw someone say they got 30k in taxes for a city. I’ve owned land in previous playthroughs and never made that much from a city in a week. How the hell are people making this kind of money? They’ll tell you they’re doing it but not, in detail. Is normal difficulty too high for advanced profit? Are people somehow sending more than one caravan because making k how are people making so muh money one trip seems impossible. I don’t even find that much velvet down by the cossacks to make maybe half.

And yes I own the trading permit. Showing 1 — 5 of 5 comments. Without cheating there is absoloutly no way to make k in every caravan trip. A good sale price for velvet is So even a caravan you fiddled setting up by loading a town with 20 velvet isnt going to even hit 30K before you deduct the costs of setting it up. Its more realistic to say you might find trips where you make k before you deduct those costs depending on commodity.

As for towns its quite feasable if you have a very rich town that is one of the trading hubs that will roll in K a Week on a reliable basis. However I have on occasion and this doesnt seem to link in with any missing of weekly collections attended my town only to be handed a great big stack of cash with in excess of 70k not being uncommon. However this shouldnt be confused with a reliable weekly income.

Just treat the extreeme examples you see in some guides as fishermans tales with some of the Trade ones being tall tales of a heavily setup single trade transaction that gets save scummed to credit trade profits to the Great Trader achievement. Ya I figured they were impossible to believe.

I’m not new to the game nor the series, in any way, so I figured I know as much as I could about money management. Doesn’t the number of points you have in trading help you get better prices? It can help alter the buy and sell prices marginally. But you are still not going to get any valuses close to per velvet.

Generally what trading really helps with and this isnt well documented is when creating a cravan it will detail the price comparison from towns further away the more trade skill you have in addition to marginally lowering the buy price and increasing the sell price. It will also speed up the assesment of prices in towns when carrying out that action.

Originally posted by Base Invader :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 17 May, am. Posts: 5. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

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Mental Barrier #3: I don’t have a good business idea!

Sign up to Digital Spy’s newsletter to get the biggest news and features sent straight to your inbox. Hedylogos Posts: 2, Forum Member. What are the secrets? I genuinely would like to earn good money, but not sure how to. The things I have an interest in probably will never make me rich. I have ideas, but without money can’t put them into action. You can tell me if I’m peeing in the wind here with these ideas, but here goes. I am interested in art, so was makking art selling.


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